  •  Follow Name:Chen Wei
    Job title:Professor
    Introduction:Prof. Chen Wei, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Standing Committee Member and Vice President of Jiangnan University, Director of National Functional Food Enginee...
  •  Follow Name:Chundi Xu
    Job title:Professor/Doctoral Supervisor
    Introduction:M.D. Chundi XU, a professor, chief physician, and doctorial supervisor, who present is the director of pediatricsat Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Scho...
  •  Follow Name:Huo Guicheng
    Job title:Professor
    Introduction:Guicheng Huo, is now the Director of the Key Laboratory for Dairy Science, Ministry of Education, at Northeast Agricultural University; Head of Animal Industry Research Institute; ...
  •  Follow Name:Jin Jing
    Job title:Professor
    Introduction:As Specially-invited Expert of Children's Developmental Behavior Center, the Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University. Currently, he is also the Deputy Director of the Chi...
  •  Follow Name:Li Ping
    Job title:PhD/Chief Physician/Master Superviso...
    Introduction:Li Ping is the Vice Chairman of the Child Dermatology Sub-specialty Committee of the Dermatology Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Deputy Head of Pediatric Dermatol...
  •  Follow Name:Ma Lin
    Job title:Professor/Chief Physician/Doctoral S...
    Introduction:Director of the Department of Dermatology, Chief Physician, and Doctoral Supervisor of Beijing Children's Hospital of Capital Medical University, National Children's Medical Center...
  •  Follow Name:Wei Zhou
    Job title:Chief physician/Doctoral supervisor
    Introduction:Professor Zhou is a Guest Pediatrician of Biostime Institute Nutrition & Care (BINC); Director of NICU at Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center and Guangzhou Children's Hos...
  •  Follow Name:Wen Liu
    Job title:Professor/Doctoral Supervisor
    Introduction:Chairman of Tianjin Psychological Association, director of the Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education, Director of China Society for Cognitive...
  •  Follow Name:Xianming Xu
    Job title:Professor/Chief physician
    Introduction:Xianming XU, male, chief physician, a professor, Director of the Maternity Department, vice director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, and also a master tutor, is gradua...
  •  Follow Name:Xin Wang
    Job title:Researcher
    Introduction:The Principal Research Scientist and Vice President in the Key laboratory for Food Microbial Technology of Zhejiang Province, Before arriving to the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultura...