【Journal of Funtional Foods】HMO’s: Shaping the infant gut microbiota and supporting health
2020/10/15 10:51
【Journal of Functional foods】From lab bench to formulated ingredient: Characterization, production, and commercialization of human milk oligosaccharides
2020/09/14 17:49
【Beneficial Microbes】Probiotics maintain intestinal secretory immunoglobulin A levels in healthy formula-fed infants: a randomised, double blind-controlled study
2019/04/19 17:45
【Nutrients】Precision Nutrition and the Microbiome, Part II: Potential Opportunities and Pathways for commercialisation
2019/06/27 17:42
【Nutrients】 Precision Nutrition and the Microbiome, Part I: Current State of the Science
2019/04/24 17:39