

  • 49742012/03/02
    In 2012, BINC supported 23 items of mother and children’shealthcare research projects nationwide, with the total amount of 1.04 millionyuan. The major supported fields are as follows: Pregnancy nutrition and mother and children's health (including pre...
  • 55152014/08/26
    In 2013, BINC supported 23 items of mother and children's healthcare research projects nationwide, with the total amount of 1.04 million yuan. The major supported fields are as follows: Pregnancy nutrition and mother and children’s health (including pr...
  • 52522014/08/26
    In 2014, BINC supported 30 items of mother and children’s healthcare research projects nationwide, with the total amount of 1 million yuan. The major supported fields are as follows: Pregnancy nutrition and mother and children’s health (including preg...
  • 36992015/07/16
    The evaluation on the 2015 BINC Programs Sponsored by Funds for Maternal and Child Nutrition & Care Research Fund Program has completed. A great number of research institutions across the country have actively responded to the invitation for program bids i...
  • 39212015/07/21
    Human intestinal flora is a complicated micro-ecologysystem, and its relationship with human health has been given more attention. Multiplestudies overseas indicated that the changes of intestinal flora are closelyassociated with the occurrence and develop...
  • 40302015/11/09
    Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder that the body fataccumulates excessively and damages the health. It can lead to variouscomplications such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension andmetabolic syndrome that damage the body health severely.