Special Section of “Children Psychology Development and Early Education” in the 18th National Conference of Psychology Held by BINC
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On 17-18 October, the 18th National Congress of Psychology was grandly held in Tianjin. This meeting was co-held by BINC as the main co-organizer. In the afternoon of October 17, BINC held a special session of “Children Psychology Development and Early Education” in this conference, and over 400 experts in the field of psychology were invited to participate in the meeting, and shared the excellent speeches and latest research outcomes. This BINC meeting also invited Prof. Bai Xuejun, the director of Psychology and Behavior Institute of Tianjin Normal University, and Prof. Zou Hong, the director of Academic Committee of the School of Psychology of Beijing Normal University, who were the hosts of this meeting.

The 18th BINC Special Section of “Children Psychology Development and Early Education” in National Conference of Psychology

Prof. Bai Xuejun and Prof. Zou Hong, hosts of the meeting

BINC focused on mental development and early education, and established the research platform of infant and children’s mental behavior

Mr. Patrice Malard, the CTO of Biostime, mentioned in the meeting that BINC has made a great investand paid great attention to psychology. BINC integrated the global resources and established the international standard research platform for infant and children’s mental behavior. The platform was incorporated into the research center in Guangzhou Science City at the beginning of 2015, with total investment of over 10 million yuan for a construction area of 1500 square meters. The platform include asingle direction observation room, six children behavior observation rooms with different functions and a training research room, providing favorable conditions for the research implementation and research cooperation. The research platform of infant and children’s mental behavior cooperates with the internationally renowned organization of ZERO TO THREE in America, developed aseries of early education courses “parent energy” exclusively high level early education center based on the latest psychological discipline and research results of brain sciences. In addition, the research platform and Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center have applied for the subject project of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology together, which indicated that the research platform would have more cooperating opportunities to cooperate with more authorized institutions scientific research.

Mr. Patrice Malard, the chief science officer of Biostime, was introducing the BINC Research Center of Infant and Children’s Mental Behavior

The early parent-children attachment greatly influences children’s social behavior, and a sound and healthy parent-child relationshipis the best education

Prof. Li Dan, the director of the Faculty of Psychology, Shanghai Normal University, shared the speech of “early parent-child attachment and its relation with children social behavior” in the meeting. Early parent-child attachment refers to the emotional connections established between the infants and the caregivers, which is an emotional and behavioral interaction formed between the infants and mothers during the continuous interactions. With the safety attachment formed, children could develop an expectation toward the parent-child activities gradually, a trust to others, emotional connections and a sense of self. If the attachment is broken, or non-safety attachment is formed, then it may lead to emotional pain for the children, causing problematic behavior.

Speech made by Prof. Li Dan

The theory of ecology and its important function for children’s early development

After Prof. Li Dan shared the latest research results of parent-child attachment, Dr. Jeremy David Moretti, the psychologist of BINC, made the speech regarding the important function of the theory of ecology for children’s early development. He pointed out that the theory of ecology, represented by Bronfenbrenner, was supported by world-renowned theorists ofearly education such as Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, John Bowlby, Albert Banduraand Erik Erickson, who argued that the application of the theory into children’s early education will show a significant influence on children’s lives.

Speech made by Dr. Jeremy Moretti

Close attention has been paid to BINC by the psychologists

In addition, in the exhibition area of the meeting, the exhibition booth of BINC and “parenting energy”, the high level early education brand of Biostime, absorbed a great number of experts in psychology to come to make some communications and exchanges together. Hundreds of professional experts in psychology attached their attention on BINC websites and Wechat(Weixin), and showed high interests and cooperating intention towards BINC scientific research fund and research platform.

Close attention was paid to BINC exhibition stand bypsychologists

Introduction of “Parenting Energy”, the high level early education brand of Biostime

Biostime Group has implemented the research and development for early education courses many years ago, and established itshigh level early education brand—Parenting Power. The recent research in American showed that early education has meaningful and positive significance towards the chemical functions of children’s brain: it is able to provide an active preparation for the learning management, recognition and social status, as well as the development of physical capabilities for the children. “Parenting Power” holds the idea that parent-child relationship is the core of early education, and healthy parent-children relationship is the best education. Theearly education is not only an education for the children, but, the most importantly, an education for the parents.

“Parenting Power” Q Baby Dingding parent-childcourses is co-developed by Biostime Group and ZERO TO THREE, an internationally renowned organization based in America. ZERO TO THREE concentrates on transferring the science and research focusing on children’s early development into application, practice and technical knowledge, and providing them to the parents and professionals in the field of  early education. The course is developed based on three major professional cornerstones, including the frontline brain science, the theory of ecology by Bronfenbrenner and zone of proximal development by Vygotsky. It has four major educational concepts including ecology theory, responsive education, step-by-step guidance and experiential learning.

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