Congratulations to Professor Bo Lonnerdal, BINC Scientific Advisor, for the 2019 ASN Lifetime Achievement Award
Baltimore, USA66152019/06/11 Favorite

  On June 8th -11th , the 83rd annual symposium of American Society for Nutrition (ASN) held in Baltimore, USA. Prof. Bo Lonnerdal, scientific advisor of Biostime Institution of Nutrition and Care (BINC), received the Robert Suskind and Leslie Lewinter-Suskind Pediatric Nutrition Lifetime Achievement Award. Awarded by the Suskind family, the award recognizes clinicians or researchers who have made significant contributions to the field of pediatric nutrition. Here, BINC warmly congratulates Prof. Bo Lonnerdal on winning the honor.

   Founded in 1928, as a non-profit organization, ASN mission is “To Advance the Science, Education and Practice of Nutrition”; Promote research and cooperation among researchers in nutrition, medicine and related fields; Support communication and applications in nutrition science, to improve global public health and clinical practice; Promote education and training of medical postgraduate; Provide reliable nutrition information, etc. The theme of the conference is “Where the Best in Science &Health Meet”.Prof. Bo Lonnerdal was invited as a recipient of this year's the Robert Suskind and Leslie Lewinter-Suskind Pediatric Nutrition Lifetime Achievement Award and presented a speech entitled "Breast milk - the optimal functional food".


   Bo Lonnerdal is the outstanding professor of nutrition and medicine of UC Davis, WHO consultant, the founder of the international society for the study of breast milk and lactation (ISRHML). He is the member of American Society for Nutritional Sciences (ASNS), American Society for Clinical Nutrition (ASCN), European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition(ESPGHAN), International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML). Prof. Bo Lonnerdal's research focuses on baby/pediatric nutrition and trace element metabolism, published more than 600 research papers, book chapters and monographs.


Prof. Bo Lonnerdal has been a board member of the BINC Scientific Advisory since 2015, and he is deeply involved in BINC's academic activities, such as BINC annual symposium, BINC Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting, BINC satellite meeting in International conferences etc. He is also one of the main investigators of the OPN clinical research project initiated by Biostime. Prof. Bo Lonnerdal has contributed greatly to BINC's academic communication, funding programme review and scientific research, BINC also looking forward to work continuous with him in the future to jointly promote the innovative development of pediatric nutrition research.

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