Focus on Infant Immunization and Allergy - The 5th BINC Annual Symposium is back!
Guangzhou, China1342021/04/14 Favorite

Infant immunity and allergy has always been a hot topic in the field of maternal and child health research. The Biostime Institute of Nutrition and Care (BINC), a non-profit research organization dedicated to comprehensive research on maternal and child health, was established to actively promote maternal and child health in the long term, and will hold its 5th annual symposium on April 10, 2021 officially.

With the theme of "Immunity and Allergy", the symposium invited nearly 100 authoritative experts from the fields of pediatrics, immunity, nutrition and nursing from home and abroad, and specially invited Prof. Jean-Pierre Chouraqui, former Deputy Secretary General of the French Pediatric Association, Prof. Su Yixiang, Professor of the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Prof. Yu Huimin, Vice President of the Children's Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, and Prof. Wang Zhixu, Director of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society, to serve as the chairmen of the meeting. Professor Jean-Pierre Chouraqui, former Deputy Secretary General of the French Pediatric Association, Professor Su Yixiang of the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Yu Huimin, Vice President of the Children's Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, and Professor Wang Zhixu, Chairman of the Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch of the Chinese Nutritional Society, were specially invited to be the chairpersons of the symposium and to share the latest research advances and achievements in the field of maternal and child health. At the same time, the symposium was synchronized with the global online live broadcast, about 20,000 domestic and foreign experts and scholars participated in this academic feast, which further promoted the exchange and interaction of scientific research on maternal and child health.


Discover the key active ingredients of breastmilk to support early growth and development

Breast milk is the gold standard for the nutritional needs of infants and young children. Bo L?nnerdal, Professor of Excellence in Nutrition and Internal Medicine at the University of California, Davis, explains that osteoblast protein (OPN) is expressed in a variety of tissues and organs, including the brain, immune organs, and milk, and several studies have shown that it plays an important role in the development of the intestinal tract, the immune system, and the brain. Breastmilk contains much higher levels of OPN than cow's milk and resists gastric catabolism.

Mr. Patrice Malard, Chairman of BINC, introduced BINC's dedication to the cause of maternal and child health, and shared the efforts and achievements of BINC since its establishment 6 years ago.

At the same time, Mr. Hanno Cappon, the new Chief Technology Officer of H&H Group, said through the live link that H&H Group has always been committed to research in nutrition, immunity and micro-ecological health, and its brand Biostime has taken the lead in researching the lactobridging protein LPN (OPN from natural milk sources) and created the world's first and only clinically validated infant formula with lactobridging protein LPN. The clinical study on LPN that Biostime participated in showed that infants fed infant formula containing LPN had higher levels of osteoblasts, lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, fewer fevers, and increased T-cells, which were closer to breastfed babies, proving that LPN helps to support healthy growth and development in the early stages of life.

Prof. Lai Jianqiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Head of the Joint Laboratory for Breast Milk Science Research, shared "Progress of China's Breast Milk Science Research" at the conference. The report introduces the results of the National Key R&D Program "Research on Creation and Common Key Technology of Special Needs Milk Fat Products Based on Breastmilk Components in China", which decrypts the nutritional code of Chinese breastmilk in the dimensions of conservativeness, immunity, universality, specificity, phenotype, etc., and improves Chinese breastmilk composition database, realizes the leapfrog development of the formula design of Chinese infant formula, and puts forward the Chinese proposal that suits the nutritional needs of infants and young children and the healthy development of the infant food industry.


Prof. Zuo Daming, Professor of Immunology at Southern Medical University, introduced that oligosaccharides are the third largest solid component of breast milk, with 2'FL accounting for about 30% of the oligosaccharides content of breast milk. Studies have shown that 2'FL and OPN help to ameliorate allergic reactions and inhibit the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, suggesting a regulatory role of HMO and OPN on the immune system.


Dr. Xinan Liu, Associate Researcher at the Institute of Brain Cognition and Brain Disease, Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared research on cognitive development of the infant brain from various aspects, including the connection with instinctive behaviors, brain regulation and peripheral regulation mechanisms of cognitive development, with an emphasis on brain-gut communication pathways.


Focusing on Immunity and Allergy Supporting Infant and Child Health

The balance of human micro-ecosystem is an important factor to maintain the health of the body, among which the intestinal flora is the most important micro-ecosystem of the human body. Yang Bo, an associate researcher at the School of Food of Jiangnan University, introduced that the abundance and existence of specific intestinal flora are closely related to intestinal, respiratory, skin and other related diseases, as well as infant crying and agitation. Probiotics can support the health of mothers and babies by regulating intestinal flora, balancing the immune system and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria.

In the theme report about allergy, BINC Annual Symposium also invited two heavyweight experts from abroad to share.

Ms. Emma King, a skin care specialist from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, shared with us "Probiotic Supplementation and Atopic Dermatitis", in which she mentioned that atopic dermatitis is a skin allergic disease caused by barrier dysfunction, and that 30% of Australian children are infected with this disease. Probiotics help to improve intestinal barrier defenses and reduce intestinal permeability, thereby reducing the absorption of harmful molecules. Clinical studies have shown that probiotic supplementation can help reduce the risk of atopic dermatitis in children.

Christophe Dupont, Honorary Professor of Medicine at Paris Descartes University, discussed milk allergy in infants and young children and its prevention and treatment measures, introducing the symptoms, diagnosis methods, feeding methods and dietary choices of milk allergy in infants and young children, which provided a systematic and comprehensive solution to the problem of milk allergy in infants and young children for reference.



H&H Group Focuses on Breastmilk Innovation Research, Continuously Promoting Maternal and Infant Health Development

As a leader in the global high-end nutrition and health industry, H&H Group is committed to cutting-edge technology research and product development in the field of nutrition, with an in-depth layout in the fields of lactobridging protein LPN, HMO, probiotics and so on. At the conference, Dr. Jonathan Lane, Senior Manager of Global Research Center of H&H Group, shared Kenmore's latest research results on breast milk oligosaccharide HMO, fatty acid and lactobridge protein LPN, and their dynamic changes in the characteristics of mothers and babies.

BINC joins the "Joint Laboratory of Breastmilk Science and Research Transformation Unit".

During the meeting, Dr. Patrice Malard, President of BINC, mentioned that BINC has always been committed to innovative research on breastmilk components, and has established a mother and baby cohort of Biostime, exploring the changing patterns of key breastmilk nutrients, such as LPN and HMO, as well as breastmilk flora and intestinal flora, in the Chinese population over time.

In order to promote China's breastmilk research and sharing of results, BINC responded to the call to join the Joint Laboratory for Breastmilk Science Research (JLBR), which was established by the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and was inaugurated by Dr. Patrice Malard, the President of BINC, and Prof. Lai Jianqiang, the Project Leader of the Joint Laboratory for Breastmilk Science Research (JLBR), in the workshop. In the future, BINC will work with many well-known universities and research institutions to promote the construction of China's breastmilk biosample bank, continuously improve the database of Chinese breastmilk components and research and develop a new generation of domestic infant formulas.

The successful convening of the 5th BINC Annual Symposium once again provided a valuable academic exchange opportunity for authoritative experts in the field of maternal and child health, further promoted academic research in the fields of nutrition, nursing and psychology, and shared the latest research results and academic information with the society. It can be expected that in the future, BINC will continue to work together with authoritative experts and scholars at home and abroad to deepen the scientific research and communication on maternal and infant health, and jointly promote the prosperous development of the maternal and infant industry.

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